Prof. Jonathan Grossman
This article compares the sins of Adam and Cain; and suggests that Adam’s sin is a prototype for religious sin; while Cain’s sin is a prototype for moral...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
One of the central dilemmas in Avodat Hashem is the constant tension between abstraction and illustration. This lesson discusses the implications of this...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
The haftara focuses on material consolation, previously ignored in chapters offering comfort to the exiled nation. While previous prophecies emphasized...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
There are many parallels between the haftara of Shoftim and the haftara of Shabbat Nahamu. The repetition is part of the emotional process of being...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
In this haftara, the prophet copes with the desperation and absence of hope for the future, which are created in the reality of exile. The literary device...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
This haftara describes the replacement of the natural illumination of the world with divine-spiritual light - the light of God. The change will affect the...
Haftarot: Nitzavim - Vayelekh
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
"Sos Assis" is the height of comfort in the Sheva Denechemta prophecies, and all of the book of Isaiah. Am Yisrael is analogous to an energetic and vital...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
The haftara of Bereisheet provides another perspective on creation, according to which God, and not man, is at the center of creation. God's honor is...
Dr. Mordechai Sabato
The laws of a female captive are discussed in conclusion of the laws of warfare. Which messages is the Torah attempting to convey in these laws?