
Total Number of articles: 1579
Matan Al Haperek
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira Source:
The book of Yehoshua is completed with two speeches made by Yehoshua as he parts from the nation. The death of Yehoshua marks the end of a heroic period...
Matan Al Haperek
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira Source:
At the conclusion of the apportioning of Eretz Yisrael, the “atypical” tribes receive permission to settle in their individual territories. The tribe of...
Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun Source: Article Length: 5 Pages
The song of Haazinu (Devarim 32:1-43) should be as familiar and habitual to us as is the recitation of Shema.[1] It is meant to serve as a witness – but...
Matan Al Haperek
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira Source:
Having completed the division of the Land amongst the tribes, Yehoshua now begins to fulfill another commandment given to him by Moshe: dedicating the...
Matan Al Haperek
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira Source:
In these perakim, Yehoshua continues to apportion the remaining land. Facing him are the claims of B’nei Yosef and the need to rebuke the tribes for...
Matan Al Haperek
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira Source:
These chapters describe the inheritance of the tribes of Yehuda and the children of Yosef (Menashe and Ephraim), as well as the story of Achsah, daughter...
Matan Al Haperek
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira Source:
With the completion of the first wave of the conquest, Yehoshua’s concerns turn to the apportioning of the Land- particularly with the inheritance of the...
Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun Source: ; Article Length: 5 Pages
The halakhic, philosophical and historical revolution wrought by Rav Yehuda Alkalai is especially manifest in his commentary on the biblical unit on...
Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun Source:
Parashat Ki Tetze has many commandments related to social interactions and social obligations toward others in society, especially the vulnerable. We...
