
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Gad Eldad Source: ; ; Article Length: 4 Pages
The appeal by the daughters of Tzelofchad to Moshe arouses empathy in the casual reader who is glad when they receive a positive response. The daughters...
Rabbi Gad Eldad Source: ; Article Length: 5 Pages
Sefer Bamidbar concludes with a verse that reads:These are the commandments and the judgments which the Lord commanded by the hand of Moshe to Bnei...
Part 3
Dr. Avigail Rock
Additional characteristics of the Ramban’s commentary on the Torah: The Secret Torah — “Al Derekh Ha-Emet” When the Ramban prefaces an explanation with...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Source:
In Parshat Pinchas God tells Moses to appoint Joshua, ‘a man in whom is the spirit’. He gives him precise instructions about how to arrange the succession...
Part 1
Dr. Avigail Rock Source:
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman was born in an area in northeast Spain that was heavily influenced by Spanish Muslim culture and by French Ashkenazic culture. ...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Source:
As we learn from Parshat Balak, Pagan prophets like Bilam had not yet learned the lesson we must all one day learn: that what matters is not that God does...
