Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun
Sefer Devarim describes a shift in Bnei Yisrael’s view of leadership, going from a nation that is dependent on miracles and tests, to one that is constant...
Rabbi Gad Eldad
Source: ; ;
Article Length: 4 Pages
The appeal by the daughters of Tzelofchad to Moshe arouses empathy in the casual reader who is glad when they receive a positive response. The daughters...
Rabbi Gad Eldad
Source: ;
Article Length: 5 Pages
Sefer Bamidbar concludes with a verse that reads:These are the commandments and the judgments which the Lord commanded by the hand of Moshe to Bnei...
Dr. Avigail Rock
The Chizkuni wrote a comprehensive commentary on the Torah, and his style is very clear and accessible.
It appears that the Chizkuni had three aims in...
Dr. Avigail Rock
Additional characteristics of the Ramban’s commentary on the Torah:
The Secret Torah — “Al Derekh Ha-Emet”
When the Ramban prefaces an explanation with...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
In Parshat Pinchas God tells Moses to appoint Joshua, ‘a man in whom is the spirit’. He gives him precise instructions about how to arrange the succession...
Dr. Avigail Rock
This lesson is dedicated to a number of philosophical topics that recur throughout the Ramban’s commentary on the Torah.
Maaseh Avot Siman Lebanim – The...
Dr. Avigail Rock
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman was born in an area in northeast Spain that was heavily influenced by Spanish Muslim culture and by French Ashkenazic culture. ...
Dr. Avigail Rock
The Radak — R. David Kimchi — was born and active in Provence, in southern France, near Spain. The Radak was a member of a family of Spanish grammarians...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
As we learn from Parshat Balak, Pagan prophets like Bilam had not yet learned the lesson we must all one day learn: that what matters is not that God does...