Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
Conflicting proofs exist as to whether the books of Ezra and Nehemya are one book or two. The preponderance of evidence inclines toward the position that...
Dr. Avigail Rock
Source: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
The comments and midrashim that Rashi brings not because of any interpretative need, nor because of their educational or moral significance, but rather...
Part 5 - The Moral and Educational Philosophy of Rashi (III - Conclusion)
Dr. Avigail Rock
Source: ; ; ;
Rashi has a great affection not only for the ancestors of the Jewish people, but for Israel as a nation as well, and he succeeds in finding points in...
Part 4 - The Moral and Educational Philosophy of Rashi (II)
Dr. Avigail Rock
In his commentaries, Rashi displays great sensitivity towards the people in society who are indigent or powerless, who have no defenders. This compassion...
Part 3 - The Moral and Educational Philosophy of Rashi (I)
Dr. Avigail Rock
Does Rashi explicate the verses only when he finds some difficulty in them, with the sole motive of clarifying the text, or does Rashi see himself as...
Dr. Avigail Rock
Rashi’s commentary is composed, for the most part, of adapted midrashim. What motivates Rashi to turn to midrashim that apparently do not explicate the...
Dr. Avigail Rock
Source: ;
It is impossible to exaggerate Rashi’s importance in shaping the worldview of the Jewish People; it may be said that after Tanakh and Talmud, Rashi’s...
Dr. Avigail Rock
Although R. Yona ibn Janach (Ribag) did not author even one full volume dedicated to biblical commentary, his contributions to parshanut have proven...
Dr. Avigail Rock
The person who had the most profound and wide-ranging influence upon the development of the Jewish tradition in the early medieval period, was Rabbeinu...
Dr. Avigail Rock
In this first lesson of the series Targum Onkelos is examined. There is no doubt that Targum Onkelos succeeded, for over a millennium, in maintaining its...