Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
Having inspired the community to commit to rebuilding the wall, Nehemya moves swiftly to repair the breaches, dividing responsibility for forty-two...
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
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A cursory glance at the book of Nehemya makes it clear that many of the concerns encountered in Ezra remain relevant in Nehemya: the arrival of a new...
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
Ezra’s response to the news of intermarriage is at once severe and passive. His actions seem conflicted. The success of the initiative is similarly mixed...
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
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The books of Ezra and Nehemya put a new emphasis on the sin of intermarriage, including seemingly harsh responses. The leaders of Shivat Tzion seem to...
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
By many measures, Ezra’s journey is a resounding success. With God’s help, he earns the support of the king and hee convinces Jewish leaders to accompany...
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
Ezra chapter 7 finally introduces us to Ezra himself. During the reign of Artaxerxes, Ezra led a group of Jews on aliya. Ezra is referred to as both Kohen...
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
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The Jews restart the construction of the Beit HaMikdash, but are met with opposition by the locals, who turn to Darius to complain. However, Darius...
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
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Anyone who steals the Temple’s materials or otherwise defiles the holy house will be cursed. All this refers to the Jews’ enemies, who seek to stifle the...
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
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Yehoshua, the Kohen Gadol is a survivor who has returned to lead his people in the service of the Temple that had been destroyed. Despite his...