Rabbi Zeev Weitman
Why did Yosef hide his identity from his brothers? Why did he not inform Yaakov that he is in Egypt, and instead risks causing significant pain to his...
Rabbi Ezra Bick
Why is Yehuda considered the leader of the brothers? The answer to this question will give us a key to understanding the trait of leadership in general,...
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
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Why were the firstborn privileges taken from Reuven and transferred to Yehuda? Let us examine two incidents that demonstrate the respective leadership of...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
How did Yosef succeed in interpreting Pharaoh's dreams? What is the key to their interpretation? By noticing the discrepancies between Pharaoh's original...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman
The brothers’ sacks should contain grain, or cash, but not both. When they find their money (which Yosef had slipped into the sacks) along with the grain...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
Many commentators discuss Yosef's estrangement from his brothers and the great severity with which he treats them up until them moment when he reveals his...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
What is the subject of the story of Yosef and his brothers, and what does it come to teach us? in order to address this question, we examine the schematic...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
Why was it Yosef's interpretation which Pharaoh was prepared to accept despite the fact that presumably there were people in Egypt officially recognized...
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
In order to better understand the nature of Chanuka, let us examine the original “Chanuka” – the dedication of the Mishkan in the desert. The chanukat ha-...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
What is the connection between Chanuka and the passage from Sefer Zekharya read as the haftara on Shabbat Chanuka? This article closely examines the text...