Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
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When Yaakov and family depart for Egypt, are they planning to make Egypt their permanent home, or are they planning just a short visit?
Yaakov fears that...
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
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The rejection and choice of sons is a theme throughout the book of Breisheet. This principle may have guided the Yosef's brothers to reject him by selling...
Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv
There are many lessons to be gleaned from the passage in Sefer Zekharya that we read as the haftara for Shabbat Chanuka. Through a close examination of...
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
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Throughout the history of Am Yisrael, there were many military victories, yet Chazal never established a holiday commemorating those events. Many...
Rabbi Mordechai Friedman
What is the connection between the story of Yosef and Chanuka?
Yosef's ability was not only to dream and see the hand of Hashem, but to profoundly affect...
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
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Conventional wisdom says that Yehuda suggested that the brothers sell Yosef, the brothers accepted the suggestion and subsequently Yosef was sold. When he...
Rabbi David Sabato
Perek 47: the perakim about the Temple end with a wonderful vision of a stream that trickles out of the Temple and flows to the Dead Sea (1-2). The stream...
Rabbi David Sabato
Central to perakim 45 and 46 are the roles of the prince among the people and in the temple, which are part of the process of renewal and repair in the...
Rabbi David Sabato
Perek 44: Having finished prophesying about the structure and measurements of the temple, Yechezkel turns to discuss the ritual order which will be in the...
Rabbi David Sabato
In perek 42 Yechezkel continues his tour of the future temple, and returns to the outer court after his visit to the holy sanctuary. In pesukim 1-14 the...