
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Zeev Weitman Source:
Yaakov receives two invitations to go down to Egypt. One comes from Yosef, who invites him to come and live in Goshen, where Yosef will be able to sustain...
Rabbi Ezra Bick Source:
there is an exact point in parashat Vayigash where Yaakov is finally transformed, almost "reborn," as it were.  That point is found at the end of verse 45...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot Source:
 The Torah devotes some fourteen verses in chapter 47 to a description of Yosef's economic stewardship of Egypt during the years of famine: he purchases...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
The story of Yehuda and Tamar can be presented as a literary backdrop to the encounter between Yehuda and Yosef, not only because of chiastic similarity,...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman Source:
Yehuda’s plea to the second-in-command of Egypt is reminiscent of Abraham’s prayer for justice. The tripartite structure of Yehuda’s plea includes appeals...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
The list of the seventy souls who accompany Yaakov to Egypt represents a celebratory climax to the story of Yosef and his brothers, and is located at an...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
A “Rashomon” is a situation in which a specific event is described by a number of people with contradicting narratives. Can we find examples of "Rashomon...
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
Perek 3: After Yonah’s “rebirth” upon leaving the belly of the fish, Yonah starts out again on his mission. The perek opens with an additional commandment...
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
Perek 1 opens with an introduction (1-3), which describes Yonah's mission and how he runs away from it, and includes the central question of the book: why...
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
The book of Ovadiah comprises only 21 pesukim, making it the shortest book in the Tanakh. Ovadiah's vision revolves around the disaster which will befall...
