
Total Number of articles: 1579
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
In perek 28 we find a series of prophecies. The first two prophecies deal with the leaders of Tyre. The first prophecy (1-10) turns to the "prince of Tyre...
Rabbi Ezra Bick Source:
Why does Yaakov journey to Beit El? Why does he receive the promise of the land there again? What is the connection between the two revelations at Beit El...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 4 Pages
In perakim 7-8 Hoshea rebukes the people of the kingdom of Israel and their leaders for the evils which have spread among them. Perek 7 begins with a...
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
In perakim 26-28 we find a series of three long prophecies about Tyre. The first prophecy begins with the sin of Tyre (2), and gives the details of the...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
Perek 4 begins the second unit in Sefer Hoshea (perakim 4-14), which mostly deals with the moral sins of the people and their leaders. These sins are...
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
Perek 24 includes two prophecies. The first, the prophecy of the pot and the meat, is said by Yechezkel on the tenth of Tevet- the beginning of the...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 5 Pages
The first unit in the book of Hoshea includes perakim 1-3, and deals with the prophet’s marriage and its symbolic meaning as regards the relationship of...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 4 Pages
In Chapters 7-9, Amos experiences five prophetic visions that signify the impending destruction of the Kingdom of Israel. Between the third and fourth...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 5 Pages
Central to perek 5 is the call to “seek the Lord” through righteousness and judgment, contrary to what was happening among the people at that time. The...
