
Total Number of articles: 1579
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
Perek 23 surveys the history of the nation of Israel from the exile in Egypt until the time of the prophet, in a way similar to the historical surveys in...
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
In perek 21 we have a number of prophecies which are difficult to understand, and the connection between them is unclear as well. The perek opens with the...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman Source:
Yaakov is left alone and struggles with a mysterious figure. Why are they struggling and why does Yaakov insist on receiving a blessing from this stranger...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
A great silence envelops the episode of Rachel's death – principally because the text refrains from describing Yaakov's emotional response to the death of...
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 4 Pages
  The series of prophetic allegories continues, and in perek 19 the prophet Yechezkel describes the process of political deterioration in Judah in its...
Rabbi Yaakov Beasley Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
In the story of the flood, God's description about what is about to happen is unclear.  Grammatical and thematic difficulties arise. We examine various...
Rabbi Yaakov Beasley Source: Article Length: 4 Pages
Rather unobtrusively, the Torah continues with the mention of one significant individual before continuing with the genealogies: Cush fathered Nimrod. He...
Rabbi Yaakov Beasley Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
Traditionally, rabbinic literature referred to the set of laws granted to humanity after the flood as the Sheva Mitzvot Benei Noach, the seven...
Rabbi Yaakov Beasley Source:
How did Noah, filled with the hopes of his generation, descend so rapidly to the state of shame and dishonor that marks his final appearance in the Torah...
Rabbi Yaakov Beasley Source: Article Length: 6 Pages
 In this shiur, will study the narrative of Adam and Chava's sin. Between sin and punishment, we notice the space between when the first people sin and...
