Rabbi Yaakov Beasley
Article Length: 6 Pages
To understand properly how Adam and Chava erred and the purpose of narrating this failure for eternity, we cannot begin with the dialogue between the...
Rabbi Yaakov Beasley
Article Length: 4 Pages
At the end of the creation, we find that God is surveying His handiwork, and things are less than they appeared at first. What has changed? Are we...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Our psalm describes in detail both a person’s trust in God and the kindness and protection that God grants him.
The question that arises is regarding the...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The Psalm reflects a gradual, dramatic process of hope for a two-way relationship between man, who seeks deliverance from his sins, and God, with Whom...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The Psalmist draws a comparison between the hope for God’s appearance and the anticipation of the night-watchmen for the dawn illustrating emotional...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
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The expression “from the depths” connotes “deep water”, and this is a metaphor for the dire straits in which the worshipper finds himself. The psalm...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
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More often than not, biblical poetry is written in the form of prose and not in poetic form. Nonetheless, in order to understand the content of a psalm,...
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
There are those who claim that the Avot kept the entire Torah - even the Oral Law and later Rabbinic prohibitions! Yet many students, when hearing this...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
Since the earliest times, there have been two main approaches to understanding the sins and errors of biblical heroes: one takes the straightforward...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
The episode of David and Batsheva illustrates the dilemma of the sins of Biblical figures in all its intensity and complexity. A plain reading of the...