
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Yehuda Rock Source:
Kappara (atonement) occupies a very important place in the Torah, particularly in the context of the Sanctuary and its sacrifices. The subject is covered...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 4 Pages
In the beginning of Chapter 3, Amos warns the nation that being the chosen people will not prevent them from being punished.   In fact, the opposite is...
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon Source:
The story of Rachel's death is a melancholy one.  Rachel, who so longed for children, dies in childbirth.  What is the significance of this? And why is...
Part 3
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
It was previously noted that principal dialogue is repeated twice. The similarity between these two exclamations is clear. In both cases the words are...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 4 Pages
   Amos's prophecies emphasize the moral wrongs of the corrupt society in the Kingdom of Israel. He warns that the punishment for this terrible societal...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot Source:
It seems that our central problem in assessing the Torah's position with regard to the deed of Shimon and Levi, is the tension that arises between the...
Part 2
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
Other interpretations regard our psalm as a drama comprising three voices: a dramatic exchange of different characters who speak over the course of the...
Rabbi Yaakov Beasley Source: ; Article Length: 5 Pages
We have been analyzing the specific role money performs in Avraham’s narrative. This shiur will focus on how that pertains to the last few stories of...
Rabbi Yaakov Beasley Source: Article Length: 6 Pages
We examine the stories of Avraham and the War of the Kings, as well as his encounter with Avimelekh. Slowly, as Avraham becomes a beacon of justice and...
Rabbi Yaakov Beasley Source: Article Length: 5 Pages
How Avraham acquires his wealth, and how he disposes of it, provides us with a lesson about how  financial success can become a test as well as a blessing...
