Seven Prophecies of Comfort
Rabbi Ezra Bick
Much of the content of Parashat Nitzavim, relating to the message of sin and punishment, seems to have been covered already last week in Parashat Ki Tavo...
Rabbi David Sabato
Yirmiyahu's war against the false prophets continues in perek 29, this time describing his struggle with the false prophets in the Babylonian exile. Those...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
At first glance, it would seem that the mitzva of bringing the bikkurim (first fruits) to the Temple belongs to the category of mitzvot of "reishit" (...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
What are the fundamental ideas that underpin the blessing and curse sections of Parashat Ki Tavo, and how can we make organizational sense of these...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
What were the "blessing" and "curse" that were given on Mt. Gerizim? Are they the list of "cursed" mentioned at the beginning of Parshat Ki-Tavo, or the...
Rabbi David Sabato
Perek 27: After Tzidkiyahu's rise to the throne, the countries in the area attempt to reorganize against the Babylonian Empire. The smaller countries...
Rabbi David Sabato
Perek 25 is the first perek in Yirmiyahu which opens with the date on which the prophecy was said. During the prophecy, Yirmiyahu summarizes twenty-three...
Rabbi David Sabato
As a continuation to the rebuke which was addressed to the kings in prakim 21 and 22, perek 23 rebukes the leaders of the nation. The leaders are...
Rabbi David Sabato
Perakim 21-22 are comprised of a unit of prophecies rebuking the kings of Yehuda for their sinful behavior. These prophecies, which are not organized in...