
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv Source:
By closely examining the haftara for Tisha B'Av, we can gain a new understanding of the destruction of the Temple through the imagery expressing...
Dr. Tova Ganzel Source: ;
Yehezkel records a harsh prophecy directed against the kings of Israel, the nation’s leaders, whom he compares to shepherds who do not tend to their...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
Moshe in the Torah, Yishayahu in the Prophets, and Yirmiyahu in the Writings, all express their amazement at the situation and fate of the nation of...
A Clarification of the Connection Between Pesach and the 9th of Av
Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein Source: ; ;
The Midrash comments that Pessah and the 9th of Av always fall on the same day of the week. The Pesach of Egypt was not an ideal sacrifice. The true...
