Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv
By closely examining the haftara for Tisha B'Av, we can gain a new understanding of the destruction of the Temple through the imagery expressing...
Dr. Tova Ganzel
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The various descriptions of redemption in Sefer Yehezkel suggest that the occurrence of the redemption is not dependent on the nation’s deeds, rather the...
Dr. Tova Ganzel
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Although it seems that this prophecy is directed to Edom, it is actually addressed to Israel. The shared historical background of the Israel and Edom, on...
Dr. Tova Ganzel
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Yehezkel records a harsh prophecy directed against the kings of Israel, the nation’s leaders, whom he compares to shepherds who do not tend to their...
Dr. Tova Ganzel
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Yehezkel and the Jews in Babylon receive the news of the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash. Yehezkel must contend with the claim of the remnant left in...
Dr. Tova Ganzel
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Egypt’s long-term stability in the region, its geographic proximity, and its historic connection with Israel form the foundation of Yehezkel’s prophecies...
Dr. Tova Ganzel
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Tyre was an economic and cultural power throughout the duration of the Israelite kingdom. This was the source of various problems: including the...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
Moshe in the Torah, Yishayahu in the Prophets, and Yirmiyahu in the Writings, all express their amazement at the situation and fate of the nation of...
A Clarification of the Connection Between Pesach and the 9th of Av
Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein
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The Midrash comments that Pessah and the 9th of Av always fall on the same day of the week.
The Pesach of Egypt was not an ideal sacrifice. The true...
Rabbi Moshe Taragin
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Why is the story of the murder of a Kohen and Prophet in the Beit Hamikdash so dominant in the midrashim and in the prayers of Tisha be-Av? The connection...