
Total Number of articles: 1579
Dr. Tova Ganzel Source: ;
The prophets whose messages run counter to those of Yehezkel are divided into different groups, whose order in the text may reflect their respective...
Part 1
Dr. Tova Ganzel Source: ; ; ; ;
Tzidkiyahu is not mentioned by name in Sefer Yehezkel. The kingdom of Babylonia is likewise only mentioned in these chapters indirectly and there is no...
Part 2
Dr. Tova Ganzel Source:
The people of the city concede that difficult times are on their way. But the people nevertheless maintain that even if they “cook” in the fire of the...
Part 1
Dr. Tova Ganzel Source:
Six men holding weapons of slaughter arrive from the north. One is there to document proceedings. The detailed and graphic description, including the garb...
