
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
Chapter 52 describes the future redemption as a redemption that is grander than the Exodus from Egypt. Chapter 5 discusses the "Servant of God" and...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 4 Pages
Chapters 50-51 emphasize God's commitment to the redemption of Israel, and contrast the responsibility placed on Israel not to delay the time of...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
In contrast to the majority of the prophecies that we've encountered up until now, in which the prophet argues with the idol worshippers outside the...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
Chapter 46 describes the destruction of the Babylonian idols following Koresh's conquest of Babylonia. Chapter 47 discusses the political downfall of...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 4 Pages
In these two chapters, God is revealed as the God of the entire world and all of its inhabitants: in the center of Chapter 44 (9-20), there is a long,...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 4 Pages
Chapters 42-43 and afterward are made up of short prophetic speeches that deal with the redemption of the People, their special relationship with God, and...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
The prophecy in Chapter 40 opens with a call of consolation for Jerusalem, followed by a call for the clearing of a path to prepare for God's return to...
Rabbi David Sabato Source: ; Article Length: 3 Pages
 Chapter 35 vividly depicts the journey of the exiles back to Zion. The Chapter is replete with different expressions of joy, and is dotted with happy...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
Is the commandment to appoint a king a mandatory one, or is it based on the will of the people? This article examines the various opinions in light of the...
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
Perek 17 opens with harsh criticism given to the people of Yehuda who, in contrast to other nations who will one day forgo their foreign worship (16:9),...
