Rabbi David Sabato
Article Length: 3 Pages
The harsh rebuke regarding the nation’s dependence on Egyptian aid mentioned in the previous perek, is highlighted from a different angle in this perek as...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
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A crucial difference between Sefer Devarim and Sefer Shemot is the mention of the wooden ark that was created for the second tablets in Sefer Devarim. The...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
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According to Moshe's speech in Parshat Va'etchanan, the primary significance of Ma'amad Har Sinai is God's direct revelation to Israel. However, the...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
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In Parshat Va'etchanan Moshe mentions Ma'amad Har Sinai in three different places, and in each case it is mentioned as a subject in its own right, rather...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
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Both the beginnings of Parshat Va'etchanan and Parshat Ekev begin with Moshe's speech to Am Yisrael regarding their entrance into the Land of Israel. Is...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
In Moshe's review of the events that occurred to the people of Israel in the wilderness beginning in Parshat Devarim, he seems to forget the exact nature...
"Houses and fields and vineyards shall yet again be bought in this land" (Jer. 32:15)
Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss
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Please see the attached answers for the self study questions for Tisha B'Av.
The chart below displays the story of Am Yisrael during the last 300 years of...
"Houses and fields and vineyards shall yet again be bought in this land" (Jer. 32:15)
Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss
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Below is a series of questions related to the "Destruction to Restoration" chart. These questions facilitate an in-depth study of the chart and an...
Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss
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"Houses and fields and vineyards shall yet again be bought in this land" (Jer. 32:15)
The chart below displays the story of Am Yisrael during the last 300...
Rabbi Moshe Taragin
The word "Eikha" - an incredulous cry of "how?!" occurs three times in Tanakh. To underscore the succession between these three occurrences of the term "...