Rabbi David Sabato
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The account of the capture and the destruction of Jerusalem parallel – both linguistically and substantively – Yirmiyahu's prophecy of consecration, in...
Rabbi David Sabato
In this unique prophecy, Yirmiyahu discusses the breach of the covenant of Shabbat. While the Torah and other prophecies connect immorality with the...
Rabbi David Sabato
In Yirmiyahu's three part prophecy in chapter 11, he relates to the historic covenants at Sinai and at Arvot Moav. He challenges the people to keep the...
Rabbi David Sabato
Yirmiyahu addresses the "lying words" regarding the Temple's intrinsic holiness and inability to be destroyed. The people's misconception regarding the...
Rabbi David Sabato
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The second section of chapter three focuses on Yirmiyahu's prophecy regarding the end of days. In this section, Yirmiyahu portrays the ark in a negative...
Rabbi David Sabato
In chapter 3, Yirmiyahu presents a prophecy that portrays the difficulty inherent in the repentance of the Jewish People through a parable. Israel is...
Rabbi David Sabato
Yirmiyahu's first prophecy conveyed to Israel is comprised of a series of sections, linked one to the next linguistically and substantively. Together they...
Rabbi David Sabato
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Despite the similarities between the vison of the almond rod and the vision of the boiling pot, there is a striking difference between the two visions. In...
Rabbi David Sabato
The consecration prophecy of Yirmiyahu is compared to the opening prophecies of Yishayahu and Moshe. What does this consecration prophecy teach about...
Rabbi David Sabato
The introduction to the study of Sefer Yirmiyahu discusses the introductory verses of the book, including the biographical information provided about the...