Rabbi David Sabato
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In the analysis of the personal dimension that are found in the chapters of Yirmiyahu, one encounters the complicated relations between Yirmiyahu and his...
Rabbi David Sabato
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Yirmiyahu stands out among the prophets with the descriptions of the deep involvement of his personal life with his prophecies. There is no other prophet...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman
This shiur explores Sefer Vayikra's unique presentation of the Moadim. One may have thought that the various offerings (korbanot) would be central, but...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The section dealing with the festivals in Parshat Emor raises a number of questions: What is the connection between Shabbat and the other festivals? Why...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
Parshat Emor deals with the sanctity of time, and with the important distinction between Shabbat and the rest of the festivals.
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
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Are all the instances of counting in the Torah similar? What are the differences between each commandment to count, and what are the significances of...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman
This shiur explores the striking “shabbat” motif in Vayikra's presentation of the Shemitta year (as opposed to the Shemitta laws in other books), in...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
The Torah begins the parsha with the laws of Shmitta, noting that they were given at Har Sinai. This prompts the commentators to ask the famous question...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
The story of the blasphemer raises numerous questions: why does the Torah place this story within the chapters dealing with laws and commandments? Why...
Rabbi David Sabato
Article Length: 3 Pages
Perek 15-16 details Yeshayahu’s prophecy regarding Moav. His pronouncement opens with a prediction of Moav’s destruction, however most of the prophecy...