Rabbi David Sabato
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The chapter opens with a difficult prophecy of Yirmiyahu to the people, which is delivered in the presence of the princes of Yehuda. Yirmiyahu holds fast...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
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A comparison between the spies sent by Moshe and the spies sent by Yehoshua teaches us that the role of the spies that Moshe sent was political rather...
Rabbi David Sabato
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King Tzidkiyahu requests of Yirmiyahu to pray on behalf of the city, which is under siege, and Yirmiyahu refuses to do so. This scenario is reminiscent of...
Rabbi David Sabato
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The fourth year of the reign of Yehoyakim is a pivotal one for the prophecies of Yirmiyahu. Babylon’s victory over Egypt made Babylon the most powerful...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
In the story of the Sin of the Spies, why did Yehoshua remain silent at first in response to the comments of the meraglim, while Kalev responded...
Rabbi David Sabato
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The descendants of Rekhav, who abstain from drinking wine and do not settle down permanently, symbolize absolute adherence to the ancient ancestral...
Rabbi David Sabato
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During the time of the Babylonian siege, the king and princes of Jerusalem decided to free all the slaves in a sweeping manner in order to alleviate the...
Rabbi David Sabato
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Yirmiyahu is commanded by God to buy the land of his cousin, Hanamel, despite the fact that the destruction is imminent. At the beginning of the story,...
Rabbi David Sabato
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In three prophecies in the unit of prophecies of consolation, Yirmiyahu foresees the changes that will take place at the time of the redemption.
The first...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
According to Chazal, the section of this week's parasha beginning with "vayehi b'nesoa ha'aron" serves to split the entire book of Bamidbar into three...