Neta Shapira
Article Length: 4 Pages
Though Assyria successfully conquered the Israeli Kingdom and significant portions of Yehuda, Yishayahu mocks the arrogance of Assyria and describes its...
Neta Shapira
Article Length: 4 Pages
The series of prophecies in perakim 7-9:6 accompany King Ahaz during a critical political crossroads as Assyria dangerously threatens Israel’s national...
Neta Shapira
Article Length: 3 Pages
In contrast with the universal prophecy which appears in perek 2, perakim 3-4 detail prophecies directly toward only Yehuda and Yerushalayim. The...
Neta Shapira
Article Length: 3 Pages
Perek 1 of Yishayahu, read in synagogue as the haftara for Parshat Devarim, dramatically oscillates between rebuke and repentance, punishment and...
Dr. Mordechai Sabato
The sacrifices are listed both in Parshat Vayikra, and again in Parshat Tzav - but in a different order. Why? When we closely examine the wording of the...
Dr. Mordechai Sabato
The book of Vayikra opens with a discussion of thee voluntary sacrifices - olah, mincha, and shelamim. By closely examining the message of these...
Rabbi Alex Israel
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Eliyahu's mission to avenge the sinful kingdom of Israel and the House of Ahav by appointing Hazael as King of Aram, Yehu as King of Israel is not...
Rabbi Alex Israel
Judaism does not always present redemption as flawless. We learn about the story of the siege and salvation of Shomron via characters who are ethically...
Rabbi Alex Israel
Why do the Bnei Ha'Nevi'im seak a new place to live? Could it be that the departure of Geihazi with the problems associated with him open the doors to new...
Rabbi Alex Israel
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The themes of the story of Naaman are: power and subservience, pride and humility, authority and submission. Ironically it is from the character of the...