Rabbi Ezra Bick
The ten plagues are divided into two parshiot - the first seven in parshat Va'era and the last three in parshat Bo. Is this merely a division of...
Rabbi Alex Israel
Despite the fact that the House of Ahav is in ruins after Yehu's rebellion, Atalya, driven like her mother Izevel by power, seizes the opportunity of her...
Rabbi Alex Israel
At first glance Yehu seems to adopt the zealotry of Eliyahu in destroying the house of Ahav and the worship of Ba'al. Elisha removes himself from this...
Rabbi Alex Israel
Source: ;
In many of the Elisha stories the king in the story is not identified. While many assume that the anonymous king is Yehoram, Ahav's son, because of the...
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
What links Brit Milla, the Metzora, the Eighth Day of Miluim, and Shmini Atzeret? The number seven represents nature, and the number eight represents that...
Rabbi Ezra Bick
Why is Moshe so reluctant to speak to the Jewish people while they were enslaved in Egypt, and begin the process of the exodus? Moshe understands that his...
Rabbi Ezra Bick
In the immediate aftermath of the deaths of Nadav and Avihu there is a puzzling vague incident involving Moshe and Aharon regarding eating of sacrifices....
Neta Shapira
Article Length: 3 Pages
During Yeshayahu’s lifetime, one of the main sources of livelihood for the Kingdom of Yehuda was its lush vineyards. The prophet therefore utilizes wine-...
Rabbi David Sabato
Article Length: 3 Pages
Perek 13 opens the second section of the book of Yeshayahu which continues through perek 23 and primarily consists of prophecies addressed to Babylonia,...
Neta Shapira
Article Length: 4 Pages
Though Assyria successfully conquered the Israeli Kingdom and significant portions of Yehuda, Yishayahu mocks the arrogance of Assyria and describes its...