Rabbi Yaakov Medan
The Sages and many commentators are in agreement that the four beasts in Daniel’s dream parallel the four kingdoms described in Nevukhadnetzar’s dream. An...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
The parable of the great tree in Nevukhadnetzar’s dream and his predicted fall is compared to the fall of previous empires of Assyria and Egypt. There are...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
Nevukhadnetzar’s second dream seems easy to interpret. The special skill needed by Daniel, that Nevukhadnetzar’s other servants lacked, was the courage to...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
The question raised by the Midrash ha-Gadol in the name of R. Natan concerning the disagreement between Yehezkel and Hananya, Misha’el, and Azarya is an...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
Potential solutions for understanding Hananya, Misha’el and Azarya’s actions in contrast with the general behavior of the Jews at their time include: the...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
Hananya, Misha’el and Azariya’s behavior becomes the model for generations to come, of sacrificing one’s life rather than betraying one’s faith in God. If...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
Both in the time of Nimrod and in the time of Nevukhadnetzar, the collective behavior was not an expression of unity, but rather of the tyrannical reign...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
In order to override the conclusion of his dream regarding the transience of the Babylonian kingdom, Nevukhadnetzar constructs a golden idol. He believes...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
According to the conventional interpretation by the Sages, the Four Kingdoms refer to Babylon, Persia/Medes, Greece, and Rome. Later interpretations...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
While Pharaoh’s dreams are a detail in the main story line of Yoseph’s rise to power, the story in Sefer Daniel stresses that God’s interest in...