
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
Daniel’s ability to determine and interpret Nevukhadnetzar's dream stems from Divine inspiration and is not mundane psychological proficiency. Both Daniel...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
The verb that is used to describe Pharaoh when he has an uninterpreted dream is contrasted with the verb used to describe Nevukhadnetzar when he forgets...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
Daniel and his three companions go into exile in Babylon at the end of Yehoyakim’s reign. The Babylonian attempt to assimilate them by giving them...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
The beginning of Sefer Daniel dates back to the Exile of Yehoyakim – the first Exile of Yehuda. Yehoyakim’s father Yoshiyahu was the final independent...
Psalm 27 - L'David Hashem Ori ve-Yishi
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
Psalm 27 can be divided into two parts, each part representing opposing points of view. The first half expresses a religious position of absolute trust in...
Chapter 17 (Part I)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
This lesson will discuss the beginning of the battle with Goliath. We will analyze the strange conduct of this battle, Shaul's response, the relationship...
Chana's Vow
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
Hannah's powerful character is at the center of the first story in the Book of Shmuel. Hannah copes with emunah and extraordinary strength of character...
Rabbi Yair Kahn Source:
The threefold repetition of Ma’amad Har Sinai in Moshe’s speech stresses the centrality and complexity of that event. One central message is that Moshe is...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
The Egyptian farmer labors mightily in order to irrigate his tract of land, but he rarely fears that his source of water will dry up. The situation of the...
