Rabbi Yaakov Medan
Daniel’s ability to determine and interpret Nevukhadnetzar's dream stems from Divine inspiration and is not mundane psychological proficiency. Both Daniel...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
The verb that is used to describe Pharaoh when he has an uninterpreted dream is contrasted with the verb used to describe Nevukhadnetzar when he forgets...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
Daniel and his three companions go into exile in Babylon at the end of Yehoyakim’s reign. The Babylonian attempt to assimilate them by giving them...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
The beginning of Sefer Daniel dates back to the Exile of Yehoyakim – the first Exile of Yehuda. Yehoyakim’s father Yoshiyahu was the final independent...
Psalm 27 - L'David Hashem Ori ve-Yishi
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Psalm 27 can be divided into two parts, each part representing opposing points of view. The first half expresses a religious position of absolute trust in...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
This lesson will discuss the beginning of the battle with Goliath. We will analyze the strange conduct of this battle, Shaul's response, the relationship...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
Hannah's powerful character is at the center of the first story in the Book of Shmuel. Hannah copes with emunah and extraordinary strength of character...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
The threefold repetition of Ma’amad Har Sinai in Moshe’s speech stresses the centrality and complexity of that event. One central message is that Moshe is...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
The Egyptian farmer labors mightily in order to irrigate his tract of land, but he rarely fears that his source of water will dry up. The situation of the...
Rabbi David Silverberg
Moshe’s history lesson is designed to avoid a repetition of the sin of the spies. To this end, the conquering of the Emmorite kings is described as...