Prof. Jonathan Grossman
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Why is the covenant of Arvot Moav necessary, in addition to the covenant at Sinai? What is the relationship between these two covenants, and the third...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
This article examines the relationship between two covenants: the covenant of the blessing and the curse, and the covenant of Gerizim and Eval.
Dr. Mordechai Sabato
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This lesson focuses on the verse that completes the list of curses in Parashat Ki Tavo: "And God shall return you to Egypt in boats on the way that I told...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
Moshe commands Bnei Yisrael to erect large stones and write the Torah upon them when they have entered into the Promised Land. He also commands them to...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
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Bnei Yisrael are told, for the first time, that God will choose a place for the dwelling of the Divine Presence, where they can bring their gifts to God....
Rabbi Yehuda Rock
In Parashat Re'eh we are commanded to abolish idolatry from the Land of Israel, and on the flip side - to avoid destroying altars built for God....
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The Rambam disagrees with the Raavad and Sages of Provence on the definition of the prohibition of divination. While the disagreement is halakhic in form...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
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What is the nature of the Cities of Refuge? Parashat Masei seems to imply that they have a legal function: defending a murderer until he is accused or...
Dr. Mordechai Sabato
What is the significance of the prohibitions to create an Ashera and a Matzeva? Why was the Matzeva permissible in the era of the forefathers, but...
Rabbi Yehuda Rock
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The Torah commands that we examine situations where suspected idolatry has taken place. Similar formulations of "derisha" and "chakira" are used in the...