Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson will discuss the command regarding cities of refuge, and the link the texts creates between the Levites and the assignment of these cities, as...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson will discuss the settling of the Transjordan by Reuven, Gad, and half of the tribe of Menasheh. We will also address and the consequences of...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson discusses the rite of circumcision the nation undergoes after crossing into the Promised Land. The Covenant of Circumcision is reviewed from...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson will focus on the wider ramifications of the mass circumcision performed by the people of Israel immediately after they had crossed the Yarden...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson continues the discussion about circumcision by investigating the people's failure to practice circumcision during the sojourn in the...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson will discuss the appearance of God’s angel on the eve of the conquest wars. Yehoshua’s discussion with the angel will be compared to Moshe’s...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson considers the strategy employed for Yericho's capture, and the extremely harsh 'ban' proclaimed by Yehoshua against its spoils. The story of...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson compares the biblical text with the archeological findings in Jericho, and then proceeds to explore the story of Akhan and his trespass, and...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson considers the trespass of Akhan and its terrible consequences for the entire people of Israel. The core lesson of this tale is the...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
At Jericho, the victory was God's alone. It was precipitated by His Ark, the symbol of His earthly throne, and resulted from the miraculous collapse of...