
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
This lesson will look at the strategy and well executed plan of the people of Givon and its aftermath. We will discuss their motivation, and Yehoshua’s...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
In light of the story of the Givonim, this lesson will look at the Torah’s attitude toward appropriate behavior in war. According to Torah law, warfare...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
This lesson examines how Yehoshua goes about solidifying his leadership and living up to its mandate by instilling the people with direction and...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source: ;
In this lesson, we will begin to consider Yehoshua's sending of spies to Yericho in advance of its capture, comparing and contrasting Yehoshua's spies,...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
This lesson continues the analysis of the spies' mission. However, we shall shift our focus from their exploits to those of the real (but unlikely)...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
This lesson discusses the crossing of the Jordan River in Yehoshua chapter 3. The Ark of the Covenant plays an important role in this event. We will...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source: ;
This lesson compares the crossing of the Yarden with its most obvious parallel, the crossing of Yam Suf. In both incidents the crossing is not merely...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source: ;
In direct contrast to the convention of the wilderness, in which the Pillar of Cloud and Ark always precede the people to their destination, here the...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
Yehoshua removes twelve stones from the waters of the Yarden to be carried by the people, as God had commanded - but places twelve OTHER stones in their...
