
Total Number of articles: 1579
Dr. Mordechai Sabato Source:
Parashat Eikev represents a in between the two parts of the commandments speech, with Va-etchanan on one side, and Re'eh through Ki-Tavo on the other. In...
Rabbi Yehuda Rock Source: ; ;
The Torah relates to the "ger" as one who dwells among Am Israel; but commentators views the ger as a convert - a "ger tzedek." The Oral Torah divided the...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman Source:
What was the purpose of the test of the manna, and the general purpose of testing Am Yisrael throughout their journeys in the desert? God's causing of...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source: ;
What is the relationship between the two commandments of Shemitta - allowing the lands rest and the settling of debt? Does settling debt necessarily mean...
Rabbi Yehuda Rock Source:
Each of the three verses that open the book of Devarim can be viewed exclusively. In this lesson, we will focus on the third verse, which sheds light on...
Rabbi Yehuda Rock Source:
Getting to know God can be a means to loving God, as Maimonides suggests; however, knowing God can also be an independent goal, achieved by the study of...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
Parashat Eikev begins in the middle of a literary unit that starts at the beginning of Va'ethanan. The unit is an introduction to the covenant between God...
