
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source: ; ; ; ;
Who is Yehoshua, the protagonist of our Book? This lesson examines Yehoshua’s character through his appearances in the formative events in the life of the...
Haftarot - Devarim/Shabbat Hazon
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source: ;
The word "Eikha" in the haftara connects the chapter to Megillat Eikha, which is read on Tisha B'Av. Was Eikha written with the purpose of convincing...
Haftarot: Vayak'hel
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source:
This haftara discusses the building of the Temple. Comparing the haftara with the parasha highlights the differences between the Mishkan and the Mikdash....
Haftarot: Pekudei
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source: ;
There is an essential distinction between God's presence in the Mikdash and in the Mishkan. In the Mishkan no human intervention is necessary to promote...
Haftarot: Shabbat Hagadol
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source:
Our haftara concludes the books of prophets, and should be viewed in relation to a broader historical context. The prophet is speaking to future...
Haftarot: Tazria - Metzora
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source: ;
Four stories about lepers appear in the books of the prophets. Three of the stories relate to Elisha (Na'aman, Gehazi, the Four Lepers). Why is Elisha the...
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source:
Boaz emphasizes Ruth's unique behavior, blesses her, and promises that God will repay her kindness. Why is Boaz so overtly supportive of Ruth? Was it her...
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source:
This shiur follows the theme of a man from a foreign land meeting a woman at a well, and their meeting resulting in marriage. We will explore the unique...
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source: ;
This lesson compares Ruth and Hannah, the two perfect mothers, and Yael, Deborah and Sisra's mother, who represent a distortion of motherhood. Ruth and...
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source:
Ruth collects in Boaz's field; she manages to collect and eipha of barley. This is ten times the amount needed to sustain an adult. The enormous amount...
