Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Why did God command Moshe to purposely mislead Pharaoh by requesting that he free the nation of Israel for only three days? Many explanations are...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman
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Why did the Torah place the laws of tum'a and tahara in between the stories of the deaths of the sons of Aharon and the laws of entering the Mishkan? Why...
Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Brandes
One of the values embedded in the many commandments that commemorate Yetziat Mitzrayim, is the education toward choosing to be included in those who view...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
The story of the beginning of Moshe's leadership in the beginning of sefer Shemot seems to be interrupted by the list of the family lineage of Moshe and...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman
The Torah tells the story of Moshe's infancy in detail, yet skips his formative years and moves straight to his adulthood stories of rescuing others from...
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
Tzara'at of the house is one of three types of afflictions mentioned in the parshiyot of Tazria-Metzora. However, it is mentioned separately from the...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
In Jewish history, certainly in Biblical history, the defining moment is the Exodus from Egypt. It is this passage from slavery to liberation that marks...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
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There is a Tannaitic dispute in the Pesach Haggada regarding the number of plagues that were inflicted on the Egyptians. Is this merely an informative...
Rabbi Ezra Bick
What does the status "tamei" imply? By closely examining the purification process of the metzora, we notice direct parallels with the atonement process...
Rabbi Alex Israel
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The long and impressive reign of Yerovam ben Yoash sees the Northern Kingdom reaching the summit of its regional power and material prosperity. The...