
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman Source: ;
Yetziat Mizrayim parallels “Yetziah Sodom” in the time of Lot. Lot had the compassion of Abraham, but tragedy resulted when he could not break out of his...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
What is the nature of the Korban Pessah? Is it a sacrifice or perhaps a festive meal? If it is considered a sacrifice, what type of sacrifice is it? Why...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot Source:
What does Moshe's staff symbolize? What is its role in every instance it is mentioned? What is the internal division of the plagues that God brought upon...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
How many years was Am Yisrael's slavery in Egypt? The Torah's stated period of four hundred and thirty years is difficult to corroborate, for elsewhere...
Matan Al HaPerek
Rabbi David Sabato Article Length: 3 Pages
This prophecy, which describes Egypt’s replacement of polytheistic worship with worship of Israel’s God, completes Yeshayahu’s vision for the End of Days...
Matan Al HaPerek
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
This chapter is comprised of three additional prophecies regarding -the gentile nations: The "Desert of the Sea Prophecy"(pesukim 1 10) foresees the fall...
Matan Al HaPerek
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
This perek continues the description of the End of Days begun in perek 24. It opens with a psalm of praise describing the upheaval of the evil city and...
Matan Al HaPerek
Rabbi David Sabato Source: Article Length: 3 Pages
The prophecy recorded in perek 17 was most likely delivered following the alliance established between Aram and Israel during the reign ,of Pekach ben...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
Why does the Kohen Gadol don white garments during the Yom Kippur service? Does this symbolize a heightened spiritual quality or perhaps a lower status?...
