
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Alex Israel Source:
Sefer Melakhim presents Amatzya as a King who is religiously devoted and successful in expanding his empire. His aggression towards Yisrael, possibly...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
What can we learn from the structure of the verses detailing the laws of tzara'at? What is tzara'at? What is the significance of the tum'a of tzara'at? We...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
As learned in the laws of Pesach, women participated in the miracle of Pesach in an active manner, and not merely as “people who were redeemed”. How were...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
There are two perspectives from which one can gain an understanding of the laws of tum'a and tahara. By exploring the order of the parshiot dealing with...
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon Source:
Why is a birthing mother required to bring a sin offering? Many commentators have attempted to answer this question. Some claim that it is an atonement...
Rabbi Moshe Aberman Source:
What was the purpose of the Pesach Mitzrayim? Why was a sacrifice called for proceeding the exodus from Egypt? And why did the Pesach Mitzrayim require...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source:
Moshe's young adult life in Midyan is a mystery to us. The Torah does not tell us very much about Moshe's life there; the next mention of his life is when...
Rabbi Alex Israel Source: ;
Melakhim describes Yoash as a good king. A different story is described in great detail in Divrei Hayamim. After Yehoyada's death, Yoash abandons the...
