Rabbi Yair Kahn
A court system and administering justice are basic needs for any society in Eretz Yisrael or abroad. The Torah’s emphasis on Eretz Yisrael in this regard...
Dr. Mordechai Sabato
Parshat Re’eh opens the Covenant of Arvot Mo’av, which is concluded with blessings and curses. Brit of Arvot Mo’av – a collection of statutes and...
Rabbi Yitzchak Blau
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What is the relationship between the Ten Commandments in Shmot and the Ten Commandments in Devarim? Were both delivered at Sinai? Were both written in the...
Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun
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Shabbat in the Ten Commandments in Shmot is linked to the Creation, but elsewhere in Shmot Shabbat is linked to the Exodus from Egypt. Shabbat in the Ten...
Rabbi Yehuda Rock
The laws of Go’el HaDam (the blood avenger) do not express the ideal aspiration of the Torah, but rather the Torah's consideration of human need – a need...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
Moshe eventually agrees to settle the Eastern Bank of the Jordan River. The Eastern Tribes later build an altar on the Eastern Bank of the Jordan River,...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
Parashat Pinchas and Parasht Emor include Shabbat and Rosh Hodesh in the list of festivals. Shabbat and Rosh Hodesh are also appointed a special Musaf...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
The final two chapters of Sefer Yehoshua constitute Yehoshua's parting words to the people of Israel. There are two discrete addresses contained in these...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson will analyze the final chapter of Yehoshua, which describes Yehoshua’s final words to the nation before his death. What is most remarkable...
Rabbi Michael Hattin
This lesson will trace the progression of Yehoshua’s battles, and examine the logic behind the order of conquests. We will compare the battle against the...